22 October 2005

Одиме и до ЕУ

Бидејќи МТ сè уште се прави „финтаџија“ и ич не им чуе за корисниците, корисниците се тужакаа и понатаму.

Овојпат известувањето беше посложена процедура и се праќаа три писма.
Против мафијаши се оди со закон.

Првото писмо - за Дојче и Маџар Телеком.

До: info@t-com.net

Cc: управители на т-ком во Дојчланд и Маѓаарош

(Предлог) Subject: Customer Unfriendly Macedonian Telecom
(ако сакате и варијации на тема, ама да не биде без предмет).


Dear Sirs,
the embelishment of Deutsche Telekom's name in Macedonia continues with the recent news item about Maktel's transfer of funds to Deutsche Telekom. According to unoficial sources in the National Bank of Macedonia (The State Treasury), Maktel has transferred 20.000.000 euros as a credit to Deutsche Telekom, which is bound to be inspected as an attempt at tax evasion.

Furthermore, the fiasco with the ADSL offer continues. Despite all attempts by existing users to talk some sense into Maktel, the managment continues to sow confusion and discontent among its consumers, as well as potential new accounts. Starting next week, the existing users, who are being threatened with financial penalties if they cancel the contracts with a company they have already lost faith in, on their own cognizance, will begin an intensive media and grass-roots campaign against Maktel, Magyar Telekom AND Deutsche Telekom, both in Macedonia and abroad.

Please take into consideration that we are unaware of the level of contact and information exchange between your companies, however this will not stop us from pursuing our goal of obtaining either a cheaper and better ADSL offer, or canceling of existing contracts without financial penalties.

The question of unfair, dishonest and ultimatelly illegal contracts Maktel has decieved its users into signing is still open.

Sincerely, a large number of ADSL users.

Второ писмо, до странски медиуми, управа на телекоми и до ЕУ. Ова се праќа и пешки до институциите на ЕУ преку следниве сајтови (одете на сајтот, пополнете податоци и ставете го ПРВИОТ ПАСУС од долната порака во телото).


И германски онлајн весници - мора еден по еден (ама, се исплати)

Пораката за мејл-клиентите:

То: Атила Сендреј

Cc: (мејловите се тргнати)

Subject: Customer Unfriendly Macedonian Telecom


Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to bring to Your attention the uncouth, unfair and, ultimately, illegal business practices in Macedonia carried out by Deutsche Telekom through their proxies Magyar Telekom, Stonebridge Telecommunications and Macedonian Telekomunications (Maktel). Exploiting its monopolistic position in Macedonia, Maktel has set extremely high prices for ADSL internet access, which many were willing to pay up until recently, when Maktel introduced a rather controversial billing system which depended on the ammount of traffic generated by its users, and not on the fixed monthly fee. This action spurred ADSL users to go through their contracts with Maktel and the existing laws in Macedonia (much of which are harmonised with EU legislation) with a finetoothed comb and, inadvertedly, they found many discrepancies between the laws and the contracts. The two main laws which Maktel broke with the contracts are the Law on Electronic Communications and the Consumer Protection Law (harmonised with the Council Directive 93/13/EEC on unfair terms in consumer contracts, Council Directive 84/450/EEC on misleading advertising and Council Directive 98/6/EEC on indication of the prices of products offered to consumers).

The contracts contain unfair terms which protect only Maktel as an Internet Service Provider, providing them even with the right to change the contracts without consultation with the consumers.

During the past three weeks, since the whole ADSL fiasco began, many of Maktel's consumers submitted objections to the unilateral change in the contracts, and some even went so far as to cancel the contracts. The main problem arose when Maktel, starting 17.10.2005, called all of its ADSL consumers and threatened that if they do not withdraw their objections and requests for the cancelation of contracts they will be charged with fines that go as high as two average wages in Macedonia. The threats continued even on the web log (blog) where most ADSL users found a place to gather and exchange information, opinions and strategies on the situation. To quote the alleged employee of Maktel "you will pay the fines, otherwise you will have to deal with Credit Express [a debt collection agency], and believe me, you do not want to mess with them".

Unable to talk some sense into Maktel, the consumers are being threatened and forced into maintaining the illegal contracts with a company they no longer trust, a company which may change its mind in the next fifteen days (an ability Maktel has vividly demonstrated in the past month), and change the contracts, prices and services for the worse, once again.

The ADSL users will also push the question of misleading advertising by Maktel (and thus, effectively, Deutsche Telekom), consumer deception and the legallity of the contracts in Macedonian, and eventually, international courts.

Another question of note is the continued embelishment of Deutsche Telekom's name in Macedonia, especially with the recent news item about Maktel's transfer of funds to Deutsche Telekom. According to unofficial sources in the National Bank of Macedonia [The Central Bank], Maktel has transferred 20.000.000 euros as a credit to Deutsche Telekom, which is bound to be inspected as an attempt at tax evasion.

Sincerely, [Ime i Prezime] an ADSL user.

И трето, до Македонските медиуми, политичари и корисници.

To: собрание ет собрание

Cc: Д рест оф д генг (Есно спец. риСпект до Дневник - тиражот да им се умножи)

Предмет: ADSL korisnicite na Telecom odat do EU



по повод нечесното однесување на Македонски Телекомуникации што продолжува и понатаму и покрај оправданиот револт на нивните корисници, и молчењето на релевантните фактори и институции во Р. Македонија, сакаме да Ве известиме дека заеднички праќаме информација до компаниите што се сопственици на АД МТ (Дојче Телеком и Матав) и релевантните институции во ЕУ со надеж дека барем тие можат ни помогнат конечно да добиеме законитост во Македонија и функционирање на правната држава.

И тука и двете горни пораки (или ставете им линк до револуција или овој блог - иако не верувам дека ќе се помачат да ги проследат - секоја чест на исклучоците).

Масовноста помага.


Клео said...

Како што кажав и на револуција - стави го само првиот параграф од големото писмо - доволно е.

Фала за учеството, во секој случај.

Anonymous said...

Idejno, treba da pobarame i adresi od svetskite novinski kuki, osobeno Germanski. Ako ima nekoj ideja, neka pise, jas pocnuvam da kopam.

Клео said...


Кој не го мрзи да оди еден по еден (фала анонимуз)