14 October 2005

Заглавје за масовни мејлови

За да ни бидат мејл-бомбите фини и културни, повелете следниот увод за праќање на кој било мејл на горенаведените адреси.

Dear Sir/Madam,
this is a post published on a blog (http://revolution.blogspot.com) which serves as a center for consumer dissatisfaction from the services provided by the monopoly of Macedonian Telecom in the tiny Republic of Macedonia. Don't consider this a spam, it is not the intention of the post. This is only a desperate cry for support if the legitimate battle against a company which intentions seem to be driven by greed, greed, and only greed. Also, the action of the users/consumers is one of the rare displays of democracy at work in the Republic of Macedonia, so any help you can provide would be invaluable. Feel free to contact me if you need any further information.
Best regards,
[вашиот ценет потпис, име и презиме и мејл за одговор, ова не смее да биде анонимно]


Anonymous said...
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spion said...

revolution ne, revolucija.

spion said...

:D sorry, had to comment :D